First public release

Published on 2024-05-13

I'm excited to announce the first public release of Turbofuro, a visual programming language and platform for building great apps quickly. It is still very much experimental, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

Bartosz Wiśniewski @pr0gramista
Creator of Turbofuro

What is Turbofuro?

The idea is simple make programming more accessible to everyone. Turbofuro is like an older cousin of Scratch, but with a lot more power. It’s a language that is easy to learn, but also powerful enough to write full applications like a blog, control center, or your own online shop. It is open-source, extensible and easy to compile to let you customize it to your needs.

If you are a developer, you can use Turbofuro to build quick prototypes, internal tools or to automate repetitive tasks. It can be your next HTTP client. Its syntax was designed to be familiar to anyone who has ever written code, so you can get started right away.

But building isn't everything. Shipping is. The cloud platform that comes with Turbofuro lets you quickly deploy your changes and see how they perform in the real world. Get error reports, extended analytics and more. Bring-Your-Own-Compute or use managed workers. In the end all you need is a browser.


The project is still very much experimental. The documentation is sparse, not everything make sense yet and there are bugs, or at least I estimate there are.

There is a saying: "If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late".

It is very ambitious project. Building a new programming language, editor and cloud platform is a lot of work. Way more than I expected, but it is already pretty fun to use. Running some code from a phone is a nice gimmick. Coding on the go should be fun in a couple of updates. It is looking very promising on delivering new best DX in the world.

Get involved

The project is #buildinpublic. No private beta or waiting for the stable release.

Getting your feedback early is important to me. Not just because the project is complex, but because I want to build something that we will all love to use whether in work or personal projects.

So go ahead and try Turbofuro today. It is free to use, you can even rent workers for free. If you have any questions, feedback or just want to chat, mention @turbofuro on Twitter or post an issue on GitHub. As you go there, please leave a star on the repository 💛

Stay tuned.

Finally getting your project in public